Orchard Hill Church

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Why Every Christian (and Non-Believer) Should Join a Group

This particular blog post is designed to answer a question: Why should every Christian join a group?

While I understand the heart behind this question, I think a better way to word this question and help us answer it would be to say – Why should every person join a group, especially Christians? My reason for changing how we ask the question should give away how I plan to answer to the rephrased question.

I think every person should join a group at their local church - whether you would consider yourself a Christian or a non-believer!

The official mission statement of Orchard Hill Church is to help people find and follow Jesus. This means that in everything that Orchard Hill does as a church, the hope would be that whatever it is, God would use it to draw people to personal faith in Jesus (Find) or use it to help people grow deeper in their personal faith in Christ (Follow).

One of the best places to experience this mission being lived out at Orchard Hill is through Groups. In fact, the reason the ministry of Groups exists at Orchard Hill is to help people (both Christians and non-Christians) grow in community with God and others. In John 14 Jesus says,

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” – John 14:6-7

Jumping a few books over in the New Testament, we read in 1 Timothy 2,

“This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” – 1 Timothy 2:3-4

Groups create opportunities to invite people in and draw them together into community. Within this community, people are able to connect with others and grow together in a deeper understanding of truth (Jesus).

When this happens, the Bible tells us it actually pleases God!

As a church, Orchard Hill continues to explore how we can best offer a variety of Groups for people to consider joining that will help them – again whether Christian or non-Christian – connect in community with God and others. In addition to our traditional Study Groups model, over the past few months, we have also launched both Interest Groups and Seasonal Studies as options for people to consider. No matter which group you choose, each will have some form of connection, study, and prayer involved to help you grow in your relationship with God and others.

Study Groups are designed for a small group of people intentionally coming together for a season to grow deeper in their understanding of God through study. The majority of these groups use the study guides provided by church staff that offer various discussion questions looking at Scripture used during the weekend messages, but Study Groups leaders also have the option to use alternative study material as long as it has been approved by the church staff.

Interest Groups were created to offer a way for a group of people to connect with God and others through a shared interest or passion. This style of group includes all the care and support groups offered through Orchard Hill. Some current examples of these types of groups include Men’s Basketball, Mommy Connection, Young Adult Ultimate Frisbee, Co-Ed Pickleball, Mosaic Singles, Christian 12-Step, and so many more options to choose from.

Seasonal Studies are various short-term, non-recurring studies that begin and end within a specific group season. These studies tend to focus on a particular subject or content to help people grow spiritually while connecting with others too. Each lasts anywhere from 3-14 weeks, depending on the content.

“The story of Orchard Hill Church will be told through the changed lives of people.”

If you have been attending Orchard Hill for any length of time, you might have heard this saying used before during a weekend message or at certain events. But this phrase is often repeated whenever the entire church staff is able to gather for worship meetings. What typically follows after these words are spoken is a chance for the staff to take turns standing up and sharing with other staff, as a form of encouragement, where they had a chance to see or hear how God is at work in changing the hearts of people through Orchard Hill.

It is in these moments that the heart behind what this phrase actually means is experienced. I joined the church staff back in 2015 and almost 8 years later, my heart is overwhelmed with joy every time I get a chance to share and hear from others how God is using groups to change people’s lives for eternity!

I will be honest with you…

Part of the purpose of this blog was to help you, the reader, briefly better understand the “why” behind Groups existing at Orchard Hill and what types of Groups are available for you to consider joining.

Part of the purpose of this blog was to help you, the reader, see that Groups do not just exist as something Christians should consider but also exist for non-Christians to hopefully consider joining.

What was not part of the purpose of this blog was to try and convince you or guilt trip you, the reader, into feeling like you have to join a group at Orchard Hill.

I believe, that as you open and honestly pursue God, your heart will begin to desire, even crave, community! I know this to be true because I speak from experience from what I have come to learn over the years as I continue to genuinely pursue a personal relationship with Jesus Christ…I need in my life what groups create – community!

Life can be a ton of fun sometimes, and it helps to have a small group of people to share in those good times with. Life can also be very hard, and when those storms come, it helps to lean on a small group of people for support.

As I continue to study Scripture in my personal life, I see the commands of Scripture to continue meeting together. I have felt the encouragement that Scripture mentions from being with others and knowing they are praying for you. I have read stories of how God uses other people to sharpen, strengthen, and speak into our hearts.

I know that choosing to check out a group was how God became personal and real to me years ago. I know that some of the closest friends and relationships I have had over the years have come from first connecting with them in a group. I know my heart is sinful and staying committed to following Jesus in my daily life is not always easy – I need accountability, support, and a safe space for people to speak truth into my life or challenge me. I know I will always be a student of scripture – looking to be discipled and learn with and alongside others by being open about my doubts, questions, and concerns.

Being in a group has shaped and taught my heart how to be more empathetic, hospitable, patient, and outgoing toward others.

Being in a group has made me stronger, bolder, and more confident in my faith. Specifically at a church like Orchard Hill, groups helped both my wife and me. When we first moved here, we found real ways to connect with people in a bigger church to make it feel more like home.

Finally, and maybe most importantly, being in a group has given me a place to share my faith with others who are still on the fence or exploring faith for themselves. I am convinced that sharing our faith with non-believers is one of the primary ways God chooses to grow us (and those we share with) in our faith journeys!

“As we catch up with friends and make new ones, we practice our calling to understand and love each other. As we share and listen to stories, we learn how others are attempting to intersect the common life and the sacred life.

Groups can help us develop a greater sense of Christian community in a disconnected age. They can facilitate the formation of deeper Christian friendships, encourage greater spiritual accountability among church members, and become a natural opportunity for inviting unbelieving and unchurched neighbors to interact with a covenant community.

Groups should never supplant the church. But they can provide a setting where the church begins to experience the kind of closeness that will characterize the life of the redeemed in the age to come.” – William Boekestein

I don’t know much of anything about William Boekestein but I think this statement helps us genuinely answer our question today – Why should every person join a group, especially Christians?

Again, I am not trying to guilt trip you into feeling like you have to join a group at Orchard Hill or your local church. All I am simply hoping to do here is help you to see that, if you desire, groups exist for you. Groups offer a greater sense of Christian community that helps each person better understand God and begin to experience a glimpse of what life can be and one day will look like for those who choose to follow Jesus!