Dwell with God: 5 Powerful Ways to Deepen Your Relationship with Him

Dwell with God: 5 Powerful Ways to Deepen Your Relationship with Him

Imagine the sun setting over Mobile Bay as family members gather from all over the United States to spend time together along the Alabama Gulf Coast in February. The sun is shining, but it’s cold. Most of the family traveled in, but not everyone. Hanging out together in a lovely beach house for the weekend was almost perfect—but not quite. Some of us experienced small disappointments. All of us left longing for more.  

Recently, I read Dwell: Life With God, For the World by Barry Jones, and it allowed me to reflect on what it means to spend time with Jesus—to grow in relationship with Him and introduce Him to others. Using the word DWELL, I want to share five key ways we can deepen our relationship with God.

D – Desire and Devotion

To dwell with God, we must have a desire and devotion to follow Jesus. A longing to know Him can lead to a deeper commitment. I remember my own journey of getting to know Jesus as a child. I attended church with my Granddaddy, and I had a sincere desire to know Jesus. However, it wasn’t until middle school that I truly understood what it meant to be devoted to following Him.

One Sunday school lesson changed everything. Our teacher, Miss Bunny, asked us to list the qualities we valued in a best friend—loyalty, faithfulness, kindness, fun, availability, forgiveness. After we filled the chalkboard, she told us that the only person who embodies all of those qualities perfectly is Jesus. Then, she wrote J-E-S-U-S over our list. That moment opened my eyes. I wanted to follow Jesus—not just as my Friend, but as my Savior. I confessed my self-centered efforts to reach God on my own and accepted His free gift of salvation. In return, He gave me His Holy Spirit to dwell in me, filling me with the desire and devotion to follow Him.

W – Word

The W in DWELL stands for Word—specifically, God’s Word. The Gospel of John begins, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:1, 14). Jesus is the Word! Reading and studying the Bible is essential to knowing Him because Scripture reveals His character. Just as we don’t build friendships without spending time together, we can’t grow in our relationship with God without dwelling in His Word.

My first Bible study in high school was a turning point. Some friends and I studied the book of James with a woman from our church. James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” I found this to be true—God is always available, inviting us to dwell with Him through Scripture.

If reading the Bible feels challenging, start by asking God for the desire to know Him through His Word. Join a study group, find a Bible reading plan, or read a single book of the Bible for a month, reflecting on what you learn. My son, Micah, and I are reading through the Bible together this year—just a couple of chapters a day. Without that accountability, we might not have made it through the detailed laws in Leviticus! But as we immerse ourselves in His Word, we dwell with Him. 

E – Experience Church

Why do we gather for worship? First, because God is worthy of our praise. Worship reorients our hearts, lifting Him up. My favorite spot in our church is near the stage, where I can see rows of students passionately worshiping. Their faith strengthens mine.

Second, church community is a primary way God shapes us. When we gather—through worship, teaching, prayer, and fellowship—God transforms us. We are changed when we routinely rehearse the story of God, through the public reading and teaching from God’s Word, the songs we sing, the prayers we pray, the conversations we have together when we gather as a church on the weekends. Simply showing up matters! Engaging in church life, whether through worship services, small groups, or events, helps us dwell with God. For some, walking into church alone is intimidating. If you’re already involved, look for new faces and invite them into your circle. Personal invitations make a difference—statistics show that 80% of people invited to church will come. That’s 8 out of 10!

I love Andrew, one of Jesus’ first disciples. He wasn’t known for writing books or preaching famous sermons. Instead, he was known for bringing people to Jesus. He introduced his brother, Peter, to Jesus. He found the boy with five loaves and two fish and brought him to Jesus, leading to the miraculous feeding of thousands. Growing in relationship with Jesus means stepping out of our comfort zones and engaging in church life.

L – Love

When Jesus was asked about the greatest commandment, He answered with two commands rooted in love: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind… and love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:36-39). How do we love God? By desiring Him, devoting ourselves to Him, knowing Him through His Word, and experiencing Him with His people. And when we dwell in His love, we naturally love our neighbors by introducing them to Jesus.

L – Lord

We end where we began—recognizing Jesus as Lord. None of these steps matter if we don’t first acknowledge that Jesus has done for us what we could never do for ourselves. He is not just a wise teacher or miracle worker—He is our Savior. Without His grace, we cannot even begin a relationship with God. But because of Him, we are invited to dwell with God and He with us.

Jesus is Lord over all—our Savior and our Friend. He gives us His Spirit to help us understand His Word, love Him and others, and experience true life with God. This life of dwelling with Him is far better than even the best beach vacation. It is the abundant life He created us for!

Where are you in your journey of dwelling with God? Are you longing for a deeper relationship with Him? Start today—desire and devote yourself to Him, immerse yourself in His Word, experience church, love boldly, and trust Him as Lord. When we dwell with Him, He transforms our lives from the inside out.

Emily DeAngelo

Emily DeAngelo joined the Orchard Hill Church Adult Ministry Team in August 2018 as a part of the Adult Ministry team. She felt welcomed by the Orchard Hill family immediately upon moving to the Pittsburgh area in January after 21 years of living in Carlisle, PA.

Emily has 30 years of experience as an educator and is devoted to knowing God and making Him known to others.  Before moving to Pittsburgh, she served as Director of Creativity and Curriculum for Children’s Ministry at Carlisle Evangelical Free Church, where she equipped and prepared volunteers for children's ministry.  Prior to this she served in various roles as a teacher in homeschooling, private and public sectors.  Emily holds an Education Degree from North Central College, Naperville, IL, and has received theological training from Evangelical Theological Seminary, Myerstown, PA.

She and her husband, Cory, have 5 grown children, living throughout the United States. They enjoy traveling to spend time with them.


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