Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Soteriology: The Doctrine of Salvation Explained
Today we are going to briefly discuss and cover some of the basic understandings of one of the fancy big words used in various Christian circles ending in “ology”. In its most basic definition, Soteriology focuses on the study of salvation, or saving faith in Jesus Christ.

Living Out our Love of Jesus like a Fan
Regardless of what you are a fan of, we love, if given the opportunity, to tell others why we are fans! As Christians who are fans of Jesus, we should be prepared and excited to answer those who ask why we believe the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Little Opportunities Can Lead to Miraculous Moments
I recently came across a video lecture on YouTube called “From Atheist to Christian at Yale” by Dr. Paul Lim. His life story is similar, in some regards, to many testimony stories you hear when it comes to faith journeys but his emphasizes the importance of the little opportunities we have the share the gospel.