Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Culture Care (Makoto Fujimura) | Book Review
In his book, Culture Care, Makoto Fujimura presents a solution to our dissatisfaction with today's culture, which is to nourish culture’s soul by raising up those who by their Christ-given creativity introduce both beauty and healing through art.

A Praying Life (Paul E. Miller) | Book Review
In early March, a few days before receiving a “Stay at Home” order, I began reading A Praying Life by Paul E. Miller. Little did I know how timely Miller’s message would be in the season in which we were about to enter.

Learning to Lead like Jesus (Boyd Bailey) | Book Review
I started this book on a quest to improve my leadership skills but also discovered along the way that learning about Jesus’ traits will help me to not only be a better leader, but help me to be a better person by growing in the likeness of Christ.