Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Being Vulnerable in a Small Group
One of the tests of a healthy small group is the willingness of members to be vulnerable with each other. Being vulnerable is putting yourself in a position to experience pain and rejection. This is the only way others get to know the real you.

Angelology: The Doctrine of Angels Explained
If ten people on the street were surveyed to describe what an angel is, there is a good chance the answers would be wildly different. These answers may be from the Bible, early Jewish lore, literature, artwork from the Middle Ages, or even Hollywood. But what is the true doctrine of Angels?

What is Theology Proper and Why is it Important?
Theology Proper seeks to focus on what the Bible teaches about God the Father, His existence, Persons of the Trinity, and His character. If we get the nature and character of God the Father wrong, all our theology begins leaking and corrupts every other area of our theological inquiry.