Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

5 Tips for Sharing the Gospel
Why share our faith to begin with? There are many reasons, but I’ll simply give two: urgency and obedient response. There is only one way to get to God/Heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. Here are 5 practical tips for sharing the gospel with those around.

Becoming Alive in Christ
In an interview Bill Murray was asked, "What is one thing you wish you had that money can’t buy?” Murray responded that he “would love to have the ability to be really here, really alive, more here all the time.” Is his desire simply the wish of a man or does it express a greater truth from a Holy, Omnipotent God?

Choose the Right Shoes
Shoes make a statement. And shoes need to fit, or they become painful the longer they are worn. We need to choose the right shoes. So, what shoes do we need? Gospel Shoes of course!