Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 100 - Should Statues or Monuments Ever be Removed?
This episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund sits down with JoAnn Adams and Dr. Steve Jones to have a conversation about if statues or monuments should ever be removed, how we should approach making the decision, the difference between celebrating and remembering history, and more!

Preparing for Easter: Christ's Love for the Church
John 17 is typically referred to as “Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer,” and in the section of the prayer we’re looking at today, Jesus prays for his disciples. After providing the Twelve with some of the most challenging and profound words He ever spoke to them, Jesus now prays to the Father for these friends He loves.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 77 - The Church and Systematic Racism
This episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Joel Haldeman and JoAnn Adams sit down to have a conversation about racism. It it too political for the church to handle? Does systematic racism exist in America? What should the church do about past sins and what should we be doing now?

We are Made for Community
Being in a community of believers helped me to receive healing and the liberating truths of the gospel in ways that allowed those truths to soak deep into the core of my being. My ongoing work of transformation was taking place in community.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 59 - Voting in Elections, Losing Salvation, Sinner's Prayer
This episode our Senior Pastor, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, talks with Co-director of Women's Ministry, JoAnn Adams, about how Christians should think about voting in elections, if you can lose your salvation and the sinner's prayer.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 53 - Christianity and Business, Satanists, Financial Struggles
This episode our Senior Pastor, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, talks with Co-Director of Women's Ministry, JoAnn Adams, about Christianity and business, satanists, and dealing with financial struggles.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 33 - Trusting the Bible, Evil/Suffering, Christianity
This episode our Senior Pastor, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, talks with Co-director of Women's Ministry and Life Stage Leader, JoAnn Adams about how we can trust the bible, why a good God would allow evil and suffering in the world, and what makes Christianity different from other religions.