Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

The Meaning of Saturday
In a moment, everything went dark. With a cry, the world fell silent. The curtain was torn. The Son of God was dead. For Christians, this is one of history's darkest days. For those who followed Jesus during His ministry, there could only be one question on their minds: "Is all hope lost?" Then, it was Saturday.

Our News Isn’t News to God
There have been many times in the past months when I have heard negative news and, in my mind, have momentarily panicked, thinking today’s news is also news to God. During this Lenten season, my hope is that you find God is closer than you think!

The Significance of Biblical Hope
We all need hope. Life can be challenging, and we all feel anxious, depressed and defeated at one time or another. It’s in those moments that hope - rightly directed - can affect our minds and bodies, and even contribute to our healing.