Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

The Message of “God Rest Ye Merry, Gentleman”
Many of the old Christmas carols were written and sung over 200-plus years ago. According to online research, there seems to be a much older date for the carol and its message is the Gospel story taken from Luke 2 with a prayer similar to Zachariah’s in Luke 1.

3 Things to Remember at Christmastime
While we decorated and prepared our home for Christmas, I pondered. What traditions do we want to start this year? How will we help our son prioritize the real meaning of Christmas? Although our family doesn’t quite have this solidified yet, here are three things we want to remember at Christmastime.

What I Saw When the Light Went Out
Advent: a time of waiting for the arrival of the Christ Child, the Light of the world. We decorate our world with lights that brighten the darkest time of year...

The Savior Enters the Story
Did you know that “Jesus" was one of the most common names in Israel at the time of Jesus Christ’s birth? Naming their sons “Jesus” was a way of expressing their hope in God’s promise. Someone was coming to rescue them.