Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

What the Psalms Teach Us About Jesus as the Great “I AM”
Discover the profound connections between Jesus' "I AM" statements and the echoes found in the Psalms, revealing His divine identity and purpose. Dive into this exploration to deepen your understanding of how the Old Testament illuminates the New Testament, offering comfort and strength for your faith journey.

The Lord Gives Strength and Blesses His People (Psalm 29 Devotional)
We live in the reality of a truly broken world. And we as humans are the biggest perpetrators of that brokenness. But listen to the words of the scriptures. As you read these, open your heart, put your faith in them. They are breathed from the very breath of God.

The Good Shepherd and His Sheep
One of my favorite stories that my Dad shares from when we were little is about how he used to sleep on the floor, at the top of the stairwell in our home, to keep us safe. This story stirs deep emotion in me because it gives me a striking picture of a father’s sacrifice.

Dwelling in the House of the Lord Forever (Psalm 23 Devotional)
The promise of an afterlife and knowing we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever is one of the single most clarifying concepts a person can have. It puts most everything in perspective. Knowing our destination gives our journey direction. Without a known destination, our journey is merely wandering in the fog.

He Restores Me
I don’t know about you, but sometimes it takes God speaking to me a few times in different ways before a message sinks in! So, I decided to meditate on Psalm 23 a bit more and write down these thoughts.

100 Feet Ahead
You and I need summits in our lives. But sometimes the going gets tough and we want to give up. All we can see is the end and the end seems so far away. But what we can do, is look at something not too far away and work toward it.