Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

5 Most Important Figures in Church History
To narrow this number to 5 seems a fool’s errand… because it is. That is probably why I was chosen for this blog post. I would liken it to climbing a tree with thousands of branches and attempting to arrive at the top utilizing only five of them.

Eschatology: The Doctrine of Last Things Explained
In the case of end time prophecy, there are at least 183 recorded (and failed) predictions concerning the end of the world. So, what is the point of studying Eschatology? The answer is profoundly simple. It is presented in God’s Word and therefore a dutiful and worthwhile endeavor.

Soteriology: The Doctrine of Salvation Explained
Today we are going to briefly discuss and cover some of the basic understandings of one of the fancy big words used in various Christian circles ending in “ology”. In its most basic definition, Soteriology focuses on the study of salvation, or saving faith in Jesus Christ.