Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Tips for Daily Devotionals in 2023
My own personal time with God has ebbed and flowed over the years as I’ve experienced everything from deep intimacy with God to dryness and boredom. Rather than adding one more thing to your “to-do” list, I want to share some helpful tips for getting the most out of your daily time with God.

3 Reasons to Make Time for God
When preparing for the upcoming school year and anticipating the early mornings and inevitable math problem that will have your child – or you - in tears, have you also prioritized your relationship with God? Remember it is never too late to return to Him.

Essential Christian Values for High School Students
Preparing a student for life after high school can sound like a daunting task. Regardless of your status as a parent or not, you can have an impact on a student’s life, and I feel there are three important values that a student should have before leaving high school.

Books for Every Christian’s Home Library
Asking someone who loves to read and owns a wall of books in her home library to compose a blog that contains the essential books for every Christian’s library is like requesting a favorite recipe from a chef. But here are a handful of specific titles that I think every Christian ought to have in their home library.

Perspectives Podcast - Spiritual Disciplines
In this episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Dan Shields, and Emily Roberts have a conversation about spiritual disciplines, what disciplines they have found to be helpful in their Christian walk, how these things have changed over the course of their life, and more!

Approaching the Bible as a Whole
When it comes to reading the Bible, many people may feel as if there is a perfect plan they have to follow and when that plan is messed up, or one day is missed, they stop reading altogether. If we are faithful to come before God daily, He finds us just as we are.