Orchard Hill Church Blog
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Upside Down Living #22 - Permanence in a Time of Disruption
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund concludes the Upside Down Living series on Jesus' teaching on the Sermon on the Mount discussing the differences between the foolish and the wise builders.

Upside Down Living #21 - Certainty in a Time of Accounting
Adult Ministry Director, Josiah Leuenberger, looks at Matthew 7:21-23 where Jesus talks about those who thought they were certain in their faith but find out the opposite.

Upside Down Living #20 - Outward Focus in a Time of Inward Focus
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund looks at the passages on the narrow gate and false prophets in Matthew 7:12-20 and 3 ways we can be outward focused in a time where we have a tendency to be inward focused especially in the year 2020.

Upside Down Living #19 - Dependence in a Time of Self Reliance
Looking at the famous ask, seek, and knock passage in Matthew 7:7-11, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund talks about the questions we ask when God seems distant, 3 experiences we have in prayer, and some reasons God seems to not respond to our prayers.

Upside Down Living #18 - Tolerance in a Time of Judgement
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues Jesus' Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7:1-6 looking at the topic of judgement, the different ways we judge the people around us that we may or may not realize, and what it would look like if we took Jesus' words seriously to not judge others.

Upside Down Living #17 - Confidence in a Time of Anxiety
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund looks at the passage in Matthew 6:25-34 on worrying about the future, Jesus’ simple command to not worry, the lesson of the birds, the lesson of the flowers, and the power of prayer in the midst of our anxiety and worry.

Upside Down Living #16 - Investment in a Time of Opportunity
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues Jesus' Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6:19-24 looking at what our culture says about wealth, how Jesus' words are upside down compared to culture, and three realities we should hold close to as Christians.

Upside Down Living #15 - Prayer in a Time of Trouble
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund looks at the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:5-15 in a message on the importance of prayer in our life, how to approach praying, and practical steps for how to pray.

Upside Down Living #14 - Secrecy in a Time of Boasting
Strip District Campus Pastor, Joel Haldeman, continues the Upside Down Living series in Matthew 6 talking about our motivations in regards to things of faith, the rewards that await us in heaven, and the difference between actions of faith done in public or in secret.

Upside Down Living #13 - Love in a Time of Vengeance
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund concludes Matthew 5 with a message on loving and praying for our enemies, how we can live this out in our lives, and the rights that Jesus calls his followers to release.

Upside Down Living #12 - Truthfulness in a Time of Convenience
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund looks at Matthew 5:33-37 on the topic of oaths, 4 aspects of integrity in the commitments we make to others, and the importance of keeping our word when the culture considers truth relative.

Upside Down Living #11 - Purity in a Time of Indulgence
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund goes through the passages on lust and divorce in Matthew 5:27-32, the three views of sexuality that are prevalent in culture, ways we indulge the temptations in our life, and what the Bible says about what is best for our sexual relationships.

Upside Down Living #10 - Cool Headedness in a Time of Hot Headedness
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund looks at Matthew 5:21-26, Jesus' words about murder and anger, presenting three instances of runaway anger that we see in our lives and how Jesus' words seem upside down 2000 years ago and today.

Upside Down Living #9 - Substitution in a Time of Self Effort
Director of Young Adult Ministry, Josiah Leuenberger, looks at Matthew 5:17-20 with the idea of personal righteousness and how our salvation isn't earned through religious rule-keeping but that we should strive to live in obedience because of what Jesus did on the cross.

Upside Down Living #8 - Impact in a Time of Self-Focus
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues in the Sermon the Mount with the first passage after beatitudes where Jesus uses two metaphors, being salt of the earth and the light of the world, to show how his followers are to interact with culture.

Upside Down Living #7 - Endurance in a Time of Persecution
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund looks at Matthew 5:10-12 about how the persecuted are blessed, what Christian persecution has looked like historically and today, and how we can face persecution with an attitude of joy.

Upside Down Living #6 - Peacemaking in a Time of Division
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues in the Beatitudes with Matthew 5:9 looking at peacemaking when the current climate is filled with division and how Christians can still be peacemakers while not being at peace with the world by making two choices.

Upside Down Living #5 - Mercy in a Time of Score Keeping
Butler County Campus Pastor, Brady Randall looks at Matthew 5:7 and the idea of mercy, what being merciful means in the bible, how God has shown mercy to people throughout the bible, and how we can share the Gospel with others through mercy.

Upside Down Living #4 - Clarity in a Time of Indifference
Director of Young Adult Ministry, Josiah Leuenberger, looks at what it means to hunger and thirst for righteousness, the struggle between hunger for things of the world and God, and how the Gospel orients our hearts correctly.

Upside Down Living #3 - Meekness in a Time of Harshness
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues in the Beatitudes with Matthew 5:5 looking at the idea of meekness, what meekness means, why someone would want to be meek, and how to cultivate meekness in our life.