Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.
![The Lord Will Never Abandon Us (Psalm 17 Devotional)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e5940b414d29b524f909bd2/1594933027130-J09FJILIES1SO5EBIKE7/image-asset.jpeg)
The Lord Will Never Abandon Us (Psalm 17 Devotional)
We all experience moments in life when we think we are alone but later realize that our Heavenly Father was with us all along, similar to the way an Indian boy goes through a rite of passage but later realizes his father was watching over him all night.
![God is our Refuge (Psalm 16 Devotional)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e5940b414d29b524f909bd2/1596643884760-QJU1XITW6SGUI7Y5IAJ4/image-asset.jpeg)
God is our Refuge (Psalm 16 Devotional)
We have no promise for tomorrow. We have no promise for our next breath. We have no promise that life will be easy. Scripture is clear that the opposite will often be true. But we have a God Who can protect us and shelter us, in Whom we can find our only true security.
![Am I Good Enough for God? (Psalm 15 Devotional)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e5940b414d29b524f909bd2/1596655863400-ARUKH7MQJZP02R2QN5XP/image-asset.jpeg)
Am I Good Enough for God? (Psalm 15 Devotional)
Psalm 15 lists some attributes of one who could live with God forever. Looking down the list I realize quickly I fall short in most all of them. We desire to be people worthy of climbing God’s holy hill but see in this list we are not.
![Why Do You Call Me Good? (Psalm 14 Devotional)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e5940b414d29b524f909bd2/1598304216552-P09HRH9KVKQW10H97E7K/image-asset.jpeg)
Why Do You Call Me Good? (Psalm 14 Devotional)
“Why do you call me good?” Jesus asked the rich young ruler. And in that question was another logical question. Are there people around us that God counts as good, that merit God’s favor? ‘Certainly, there must be people that God looks down on and says they are good’, most people reason. Mother Teresa, Ghandi, the Dalai Lama, your grandmother?
![Joy Amid the World's Brokenness (Psalm 13 Devotional)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e5940b414d29b524f909bd2/1600281998875-K9TV23MCZRL78XUWSLRG/image-asset.jpeg)
Joy Amid the World's Brokenness (Psalm 13 Devotional)
The Apostle Paul encouraged us to rejoice in all things. We are always to have the fruit of joy and have a thankful heart. But what does that really mean?
![Our True Foundation (Psalm 11 Devotional)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e5940b414d29b524f909bd2/1600805963100-R4RFWGNXPEXXZ006XAND/image-asset.jpeg)
Our True Foundation (Psalm 11 Devotional)
There are many things that are foundational in our lives. Issues of faith and the church, relational and personal issues. But all foundations, if not built on THE ROCK can destroy the house built upon them. Even if those things are good things.
![Loneliness in Times of Trouble (Psalm 10 Devotional)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e5940b414d29b524f909bd2/1605024302037-RGM3D2YLDQQ0DW45Y1WE/image-asset.jpeg)
Loneliness in Times of Trouble (Psalm 10 Devotional)
There are times in our lives when we feel completely alone and afraid. And sometimes we can feel, like David did, that God has abandoned us. But like David, we must know the truth in these times -- YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
![He Who Requires Blood (Psalm 9 Devotional)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e5940b414d29b524f909bd2/1605104389566-D88LXFNJQ1OVU9SNN2EU/image-asset.jpeg)
He Who Requires Blood (Psalm 9 Devotional)
I’m guessing that of all the names you can think of referring to God, ‘He Who requires Blood’ would not be on your list but, throughout scripture, we read that blood was required by God for the forgiveness of sin.
![The Work of Thy Fingers (Psalm 8 Devotional)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e5940b414d29b524f909bd2/1605125249051-M9J3SWUZ96YK9W0OT8V6/image-asset.jpeg)
The Work of Thy Fingers (Psalm 8 Devotional)
As a youth, King David the giant-slayer was a shepherd. He sat often at night, playing his harp, listening to the lowing of the sheep, and gazing at the majesty of the heavens. What did he think as he looked at the night sky?
![Righteousness and Humility (Psalm 7 Devotional)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e5940b414d29b524f909bd2/1609440654735-IR3E9F696EXAUUGAO7HE/image-asset.jpeg)
Righteousness and Humility (Psalm 7 Devotional)
Righteousness. It is our calling and God’s standard. As we progress in our faith, as God changes and transforms our hearts and minds to conform into His image, we can begin to become proud of our own righteousness.
![In Hell There Is No Music (Psalm 6 Devotional)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e5940b414d29b524f909bd2/1611166401643-II8N5ZHHT8S41TAVI30T/image-asset.jpeg)
In Hell There Is No Music (Psalm 6 Devotional)
As far I can see in the Bible, in Hell there is no music. Throughout scriptures, we read of music in heaven. Job said the morning stars sang together in worship of God. We read of musical instruments in heaven. The 24 elders in Revelation didn’t just have crowns, but harps. And they sang to the Lord.
![True Joy in Worshiping God (Psalm 5 Devotional)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e5940b414d29b524f909bd2/1611170739448-0C0KOS5RTJHPWZH21B5L/image-asset.jpeg)
True Joy in Worshiping God (Psalm 5 Devotional)
Joy. One of the fruits of the spirit is joy. We are told to rejoice in the Lord, and, as if we didn’t get it the first time, Paul says, “I say it again rejoice.” But let me ask you, when was the last time you felt real joy?
![Sacrifices and Trust (Psalm 4 Devotional)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e5940b414d29b524f909bd2/1611170497830-UX8PVNNFDIM14AOK1HGX/image-asset.jpeg)
Sacrifices and Trust (Psalm 4 Devotional)
For many, the time of worship in a church service is a time for THEM. It is for them to be refreshed, filled, recharged. It’s a time for them to connect with God, to be comforted and blessed. But worship is first and last about God.
![Thou Art a Shield about Me (Psalm 3 Devotional)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e5940b414d29b524f909bd2/1611167294536-SH0SPILXE9M43O1G2MH4/image-asset.jpeg)
Thou Art a Shield about Me (Psalm 3 Devotional)
There is a spiritual battle that rages around us. If we could see into the spiritual dimension, we would realize that those who are with us are greater than those who are against us. We are told to fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen.
![Reverence & Trembling (Psalm 2 Devotional)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e5940b414d29b524f909bd2/1604433333246-X9PHEY32NOE28PF0V6HK/image-asset.jpeg)
Reverence & Trembling (Psalm 2 Devotional)
Many contemporary worship communities have done a wonderful job at helping us grasp the immanence, or nearness, of God, but in doing so have lost the transcendence, the Holy otherness, of God.
![Deeply Rooted (Psalm 1 Devotional)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e5940b414d29b524f909bd2/1594922618192-30458DXRQ66YKM1AF8QU/image-asset.jpeg)
Deeply Rooted (Psalm 1 Devotional)
Do you ever feel like the storms of life could topple you over? Psalm 1 addresses how being deeply rooted helps you to handle the storms of life.