Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.
212 #5 - Responsibility
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series 212 teaching out of 1 Corinthians and sharing insights about the unique gifts God has gifted to each one of us.
212 #4 - Receiving
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series 212 teaching out of 1 Corinthians outlining five important reasons why a Christian needs to stay connected to the church body.
212 #3 - Community
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series 212 teaching out of 1 Corinthians. Each of us has unique attributes that, when brought together, make the church a great community to experience.
212 #2 - Celebration
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series 212 teaching out of 1 Corinthians 11 speaking about the reverence of communion as a solemn celebration.
212 #1 - Counter-Cultural
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund kicks off the message series 212 teaching out of 1 Corinthians 11 addressing sex and gender in ancient and present-day culture with the context of the Bible’s call to be counter-cultural.
Labor Day 2022 - Live to Work
Teaching Pastor Dr. Terry Thomas give a special Labor Day message making an argument for Christians to "live to work" rather than "work to live."
Clarity Everyday #6 - Pleasing to God (Part 2)
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund concludes the "Clarity Everyday" message series teaching about pleasing God with our words and our thoughts.
Clarity Everyday #5 - Pleasing to God (Part 1)
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the Clarity Everyday message series teaching about the dangerous slope of sin in people's lives by looking at four different types of sin.
Clarity Everyday #4 - Necessity
Continuing in the Clarity Everyday series, Young Life Regional Director, Mike Chilcoat looks at Psalms 19:10-11 and the necessity of scripture in our lives.
Clarity Everyday #3 - Authority
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the Clarity Everyday series looking at the authority of scripture; it's authority as a historical book and in our own lives.
Clarity Everyday #2 - Clarity: The Postmodern Problem
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the "Clarity Everyday" message series providing concise literary tools for reading the Bible correctly.
Clarity Everyday #1 - Sufficiency: The Evangelical Problem
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund kicks off the new message series "Clarity Everyday" teaching out of the Book of Psalms. God's revelation of salvation through Jesus in scripture is sufficient alone.
Reflections with Dr. Kurt Bjorkluind
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund teaches from Matthew 16 to explain the difference between human perspective during times of suffering verses God's perspective during times of suffering.
Eleos Haiti Weekend
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund and Hope Baptist Church Pastor St. Ange Montestime share the vision of the partnership between Orchard Hill Church in the United States and Hope Baptist Church in Haiti.
Independence Day 2022 - It’s Time
Butler Campus Pastor, Brady Randall, speaks from Mark 1 looking at Jesus' invitation to us to follow Him and a reminder that now is the time for all of us to be about loving, responding, and sharing the Gospel.
Discerning the Good News
Teaching Pastor Dr. Terry Thomas colorfully illustrates why reading and studying the Bible is important for the life of all Christians.
Happier #7 - Moral Clarity and a Clear Conscience
Orchard Hill Strip District Campus Pastor Dan Irvin completes the "Happier" message series teaching out of 1 Corinthians 10 on making good choices for God, yourself, and others.
Happier #6 - Warned and Encouraged
David Bowens of the Worship Arts department speaks on 1 Corinthians 10 teaching about God's word being a warning to God's people in Corinth in the past and to God's people today.
Happier #5 - Compelled and Flexible
Adult Ministry Director Russ Brasher continues the Happier series speaking out of 1 Corinthians. To win all to Christ, Christians should be flexible in dealings with others, yet disciplined to not stray from the truth of the gospel.
Memorial Day 2022 - An Everlasting Memorial
Care Pastor, George Palombo, gives a Memorial Day message on different places in the Bible we see God using memorials so that people would remember what He has done for them.