Orchard Hill Church Blog
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Love for a Lifetime #1 - Face to Face
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund begins a new message series in Matthew 19 speaking about the first posture a marriage relationship should have together: being face to face.
Hidden Hurts #8 - Betrayal
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund concludes the message series "Hidden Hurts" teaching from the life of the Old Testament character David. Betrayal happens to everyone, and God's wisdom can still be evident despite personal circumstances.
Hidden Hurts #7 - Abuse
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series "Hidden Hurts" teaching from the life of the Old Testament character David. The sin of abuse permeates lives today just as it did in the recorded history of David's family.
Hidden Hurts #6 - Loss of a Loved One
Community Care Pastor George Palombo continues the message series "Hidden Hurts" teaching from the life of the Old Testament character David. David's experience with loss is a lesson in God's character and truth today.
Hidden Hurts #5 - Shame and Regret
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series "Hidden Hurts" teaching from the life of the Old Testament character David. God walked David through guilt, regret, and shame so that David could experience God's mercy and grace.
Hidden Hurts #4 - Loss of a Friendship
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series "Hidden Hurts" teaching from the life of the Old Testament character David. Lament, an emotion felt after a loss of friendship, is sometimes seen as out of place in today's society. The biblical account of the loss of friendship between Jonathan and David grants us a picture of lament and the role our relationship with God can play in the midst of that loss.
Hidden Hurts #3 - Unhappy Marriage
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series "Hidden Hurts" teaching from the life of the Old Testament character David. Sacrificial love for one's spouse can mirror Christ's love for the church.
Hidden Hurts #2 - Loneliness
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series "Hidden Hurts" teaching from the life of the Old Testament character David. God's word provided David with comfort in the midst of loneliness as it can to us today.
Hidden Hurts #1 - Broken Dreams
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund begins the new message series "Hidden Hurts" teaching from the life of the Old Testament character David. Like people today, David experienced having a few of his dreams for his life broken. God used David's broken dreams for good, and we today can trust God to use our broken dreams for good towards the advancement of God's Kingdom.
A New Hope for 2023
Strip District Pastor Dan Irvin teaches from the Sermon on the Mount in the New Testament book of Matthew. Christ is our rock.
Great Christmas #3 - The Great Inclusion
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Emily DeAngelo, Katie Thomas, and Jenna Bajuszik each teach on the startling history of some women God chose to include in the ancestry of Jesus the Messiah.
Great Christmas #2 - The Great Illusion
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund talks about three illusions we can have about ourselves during the Christmas season as he teaches from a passage in Matthew 7 where Jesus surprisingly tells those who think they have done works in His name, "I never knew you."
Great Christmas #1 - The Great Gift
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund teaches on John 3:16-18 explaining how great it is to both receive and give the hope of the world.
Rest for the Weary
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund looks at Matthew 11:28-30 where Jesus indicates three imperatives for people who are weary and heavy laden in their souls.
Quick and Slow
Orchard Hill Church Wexford Campus Adult Ministry Director Russ Brasher vividly describes the key concept of elimination of sin from our life in the New Testament's book of James.
212 #10 - Alignment
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund completes the 212 message series illustrating how it's important for believers of Christ to align their lives to Biblical truth.
212 #9 - Transcendent
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series 212 teaching out of 1 Corinthians. Humanity yearns to connect to the living God.
212 #8 - Anticipation
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series 212 teaching out of 1 Corinthians. In anticipation of the life to come, Christ followers should hold loosely to the comings and goings of this world and keep their sights past the horizon of this current life.
212 #7 - Selfless
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series 212 teaching out of 1 Corinthians looking at the biblical qualities of love and how the love of God never stops chasing mankind in spite of all its failures.
212 #6 - Compassionate
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series 212 teaching out of 1 Corinthians. The Bible teaches Christians to be compassionate out of a place of forgiveness. Without love in action, Christians' teaching is nothing more than a clanging gong to the world.