Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

What Kind of God? #4 - God is Gracious
Teaching Pastor Mike Chilcoat continues the "What Kind of God?" message series teaching about the grace of God.

What Kind of God? #3 - God is Holy
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the "What Kind of God?" message series teaching about the holiness of God.

What Kind of God? #2 - God is Omni
Adult Ministry Director Jonathan Thiede looks at how the things we know about God settle the things we don't know about everything else.

What Kind of God? #1 - God is a Trinity
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund concludes the message series "Identity Theft" teaching how to keep our identity in Christ secure.

Identity Theft #3 - I Am What I Have
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund concludes the message series "Identity Theft" teaching how to keep our identity in Christ secure.

Identity Theft #2 - I Am What Others Think
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the a series "Identity Theft" teaching how to keep our identity in Christ secure.

Identity Theft #1 - I Am What I Do
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund begins the a new series "Identity Theft" discussing three lies of today's world threatening to misplace an identity outside of the love of Christ.

Offer This
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund shares moments through the New Testament to illustrate how to offer our lives to God.

Questions with Surprising Answers (Independence Day 2023)
Teaching Pastor Dr. Terry Thomas proposes questions with surprising answers for those looking for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness on Independence Day weekend.

Asking For A Friend #7 - I Won’t Stumble Badly, Will I?
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund completes the message series Asking for a Friend providing biblical insights in the question, "I won't stumble badly, will I?”

Asking For A Friend #6 - What Do I Gain?
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series Asking for a Friend providing biblical insights in the question, "What do I gain?”

Asking For A Friend #5 - Do I Have to Forgive?
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series Asking for a Friend providing biblical insights in the question, "Do I Have to Forgive?”

Asking For A Friend #4 - Who is Jesus?
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series Asking for a Friend providing biblical insights in the question, "Who is Jesus?”

From Gratitude to Action (Memorial Day 2023)
On a weekend devoted to honoring those who died fighting to preserve freedom and unity, it calls to question how we should live in a politically divided society. In the midst of politics, dividing issues, tensions pulling one way and then another, what is the biblical response?

Asking For A Friend #3 - Why Do Bad Things Happen?
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series Asking for a Friend providing biblical insights in the question, "Why do bad things happen?”

Asking For A Friend #2 - What Makes One Unworthy?
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund kicks off the message series Asking for a Friend looking at the question "Can I Trust God?" He discuss”

Asking For A Friend #1 - What Does Trust Look Like?
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund kicks off the message series Asking for a Friend looking at the question "Can I Trust God?" He discusses how to discern the voice of God and how genuine faith isn't without doubts or failures.

Embracing Hope #4 - Looking Around
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund concludes the message series Embracing Hope teaching on how connecting to those around us in community can bring about a hopeful light into the often hopeless and dark world.

Embracing Hope #3 - Looking Within
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series Embracing Hope by challenging the common wisdom to "just look within yourself for the answer." God's wisdom is better than the world's wisdom.

Embracing Hope #2 - Looking Ahead
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series Embracing Hope by reflecting on the hope found in the eternal future of anyone calling themselves a Christ-follower.