Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Virtue or Vice #2 - Jealousy
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series "Virtue or Vice" teaching on 2 Corinthians 11 in which Paul speaks of godly jealousy.

Virtue or Vice #1 - Boasting
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund kicks off the new message series "Virtue or Vice" discussing the many facets of boasting.

Quitting Quitting
Adult Ministry Director Bryce Vaught brings to life powerful moments in Peter's relationship with Jesus to highlight points in our lives when we might give up hope.

Christmas Eve 2023
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund shares the salvation message that Jesus is the Messiah for all creation for all eternity.

Message and Music - Son of God/Son of Man
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund and Kathy Schmitt share the biblical meaning and stories behind the two names of Jesus, "Son of God" and "Son of Man”.

Look Up #14 - Look Up for Generosity
Senior Pastor Kurt Bjorklund completes the "Look Up" message series teaching out of the New Testament book of 2 Corinthians. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Look Up #13 - Look Up for Equity
Senior Pastor Kurt Bjorklund continues the "Look Up" message series teaching out of the New Testament book of 2 Corinthians. Christmas tells a story of Christ giving up the riches of heaven and becoming poor so that we might experience God's generosity.

Look Up #12 - Look Up for Encouragement
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the Look Up message series speaking on how to find encouragement in the midst of repentance.

Look Up #11 - Look Up for Moral Purity
Adult Ministry Director Russ Brasher continues the message series "Look Up" teaching out of the New Testament book of 2 Corinthians. God calls us to worship only Him and not the things of this world.

Look Up #10 - Look Up for Affection
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series "Look Up" teaching out of the New Testament book of 2 Corinthians. Selflessness of showing affection to those in the local church is a way God's love and affection is seen in the world.

Look Up #9 - Look Up for Reconciliation
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series "Look Up" teaching out of the New Testament book of 2 Corinthians. Reconciliation is possible through God's work in our lives.

Look Up #8 - Look Up for Confidence
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series "Look Up" teaching out of the New Testament book of 2 Corinthians. Confidence comes in trusting a loving God.

Look Up #7 - Look Up for Renewal
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series "Look Up" teaching out of the New Testament book of 2nd Corinthians. Personal renewal does not come from our own efforts, but from a trust in the saving grace of God.

Look Up #6 - Look Up for Freedom
Adult Ministry Director, Bryce Vaught, continues the Look Up message series sharing from 2 Corinthians teaching on freedoms found in the new covenant.

Look Up #5 - Look Up for Competence
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the Look Up message series sharing from 2 Corinthians the completed substitutionary work of Jesus.

Look Up #4 - Look Up for Wonder
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the Look Up message series sharing the wonder and excitement of the opportunity to participate in the coming of God's kingdom.

Look Up #3 - Look Up for Restoration
Adult Ministry Pastor Russ Brasher continues the Look Up message series sharing how relationships can be restored.

Look Up #2 - Look Up for Leadership
Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the Look Up message series teaching about leadership in today's current culture.

Look Up #1 - Look Up for Comfort
Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund starts the Look Up message series asking Christians to look up for comfort.

What Kind of God? #5 - God is Sovereign
Teaching Pastor Dr. Terry Thomas completes the "What Kind of God?" message series teaching about the sovereignty of God.