Orchard Hill Church Residency
What is the Residency Program?
The Orchard Hill Church Residency exists to invest in young adults who believe God is calling them into full-time vocational ministry. Over the course of a year, residents will be challenged to grow in five areas: Devotion, Beliefs, Relationships, Vision, and Gifting. Residents are assigned a ministry area and are paired with a Ministry Director who will oversee their progress alongside the Residency Director.

Essential Information
Residency is a paid, part-time staff position
Residency is a 12-month commitment from September through August.
To be considered for the program, a High School Diploma required, Undergraduate Degree preferred.
Residency Areas
Adult/Campus Ministry
Student Ministry
Kids Ministry
Worship Arts
October: Residency applications become available for upcoming residency year
November – February: Preliminary interviews are conducted
February: Application Deadline
March: Final interviews are conducted
April: Offers are extended
Who Should Apply?
You should apply if you:
Have an active and growing relationship with God
Have an adequate understanding of the gospel, not only as it relates to conversion but as it relates to growing as a Christian.
Value ministry and desire to be in ministry in some capacity
Are at least 18 years of age at the beginning of the residency (Undergraduate degree not required)
Are active in your local church and have some experience serving in a volunteer capacity
For more information, contact our Residency Director by submitting the form below.