Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

3 Reasons Students Need Christian Community
There is no doubt that being in middle school and high school nowadays is more demanding than it has ever been, but the staggering truth is that within these demands and expectations, being a middle or high schooler today is also lonelier than it has ever been.

3 Truths for Students to Remember for Back to School
Back-to-school time is upon us! I know that for some students, this is a time of excitement. But for other students, those same mysteries of the start of a new school year can be the source of anxiety and fear. So, I wanted to take this time to speak to students who are starting a new school year.

Should Christian Students Attend a Christian College?
What’s next? This is the question every high school senior has to answer over the next several months. For many the prospect of college/university is probable, which lends itself to the question of whether a Christian student should attend a Christian college? The short answer, it depends.

Students and the Digital Missions Field
In a world that is becoming more consumed by screens and social media, it may seem like we have only two options, abandon or conform. That today’s students need to either be completely disconnected from social media or have free range, but what if there was a God-honoring third option?

5 Books Every High School Student Should Read
It's often thought that Gen Z doesn’t read as much as generations before. However, I would argue that this generation of high school students read more than they are often credited. So, I want to share five books that were either valuable to me in high school or ones I wished I would have read as a student.