Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

3 Reasons Students Need Christian Community
There is no doubt that being in middle school and high school nowadays is more demanding than it has ever been, but the staggering truth is that within these demands and expectations, being a middle or high schooler today is also lonelier than it has ever been.

Why Every Christian (and Non-Believer) Should Join a Group
One of the best places to experience this mission being lived out at Orchard Hill is through Groups. In fact, the reason the ministry of Groups exists at Orchard Hill is to help people (both Christians and non-Christians) grow in community with God and others.

Grace, Community and Unity
If you’re a follower of Christ, I wonder: How big of a deal to you is Christian community? How about Christian unity? Christian community and unity are inseparable results of what Jesus has done on the cross.