Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 99 - Career Transitions After COVID-19
This episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund sits down with Valerie Johnson and Leslie Braksick to have a conversation about navigating life and career transitions specifically after the crisis of 2020, some of the trends occurring as a result, tips for people looking for jobs, and more!

Delighting in God During the Coronavirus
Do you find yourself looking at the world around you and asking, “Is this how things are supposed to be?” God gives us two helpful responses in times like these in Psalm 37: Wait on Him and find your delight in Him.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 92 - Having Tough Conversations During Coronavirus
This episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund connects online with Orchard Hill Counselors Stacy Gallagher and Faith Bjorklund about having hard conversations with people during quarantine, how to approach conversations about problems that have been revealed because of quarantine, managing boundaries with parents and kids, and more!

Ask a Pastor Ep. 90 - Connection & Care During Forced Family Time
This episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund and Faith Bjorklund sit down to have a conversation about navigating this time as a family, things that have been good or bad, and more!

Ask a Pastor Ep. 88 - How to Respond to a Financial Crisis
This episode Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Joel Haldeman, and Hefron Tillotson Financial Adviser, Grady Wirth, get together online to have a conversation about how to respond to the financial crisis caused by the coronavirus and crises that arise throughout life.

God is Still in Charge During “Such a Time as This”
Up until this week, it has been easy to get lost in the details of American life: family, friends, eating, sports, internet, entertainment... so many distractions that could keep us away from the “for such a time as this moments” that God has for us, just as with Mordecai and Esther in 550 AD.

10 Opportunities for Christians During the Coronavirus Crisis
The Coronavirus and its impact will be with us now and reverberate well into the future. Drastic measures have been taken all over the globe trying to manage this pandemic. Rather than trying to explain what God’s rationale may or may not be, I wanted to share some opportunities that God may be giving His followers.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 86 - National Crisis & the Spiritual Journey
This episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund and Josiah Leuenberger sit down to have a conversation about national crises affect our spiritual journey, dealing with pain in the world when it comes near to us, facing death in this world, and how to live a sense of mission during difficult times.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 85 - A Christian Response to the Coronavirus
This episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Joel Haldeman, and Dr. Terry Thomas sit down to have a conversation about the coronavirus, how Christians should respond to the situation and how the church can love people through it.