Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Finding Hope and Purpose Beyond Political Outcomes
In the aftermath election, Americans are left grappling with a range of emotions and a fractured political landscape. The Bible encourages us to look beyond temporary political outcomes and find lasting hope and purpose in the eternal reign of Jesus Christ and through treating our neighbors with grace and dignity, regardless of political differences.

Haiti: The Storm is Raging
Despite Haiti’s 2010 earthquake, continuing economic stagnation, challenges in education, health care, and a barely functioning government, 2016 was a year of optimism in Haiti. But Haiti was always one step away from a storm and the years 2017 to 2023 provided the storm.

“Spiritual, But Not Religious” Culture
There is a growing popularity of identifying with the phrase, “spiritual, but not religious” in our culture. The first challenge of this ideology is that it creates perceived common ground so long as the values of relative truth are upheld. So, how do we step into this conversation as a Christian?

Why Does God Test Us?
Why does God test us? We cannot give an answer to this particular question without each of us personally answering a few other questions first. So, let's explore this commonly asked question together by looking at some Biblical examples.

Spiritual Formation of Children
When it concerns the spiritual formation of our children, the stakes are very high. As believers, it is not whether we are spiritually forming our children, but whether the spiritual formation they are receiving is true and biblical.

We are Never Alone with God
Fears and loneliness can go hand-in-hand when we are bombarded with constant bad news. Our emotions can resemble one of those waving tube men at car lots, but we need to remember where God is in all the bad news we read. He is with us every step of the way.

What is a Woman?: A Christian Perspective
“What is a Woman?” seems to be the current cultural question of the day since the release of the Daily Wire’s documentary. In this film, experts are interviewed to answer this single question, and repeatedly the “gender-affirming” doctors, therapists, and activists fail to define womanhood. Why?

Responding to Tragedy: A Christian Perspective
There are many different emotions that arise when reading the headline that, yet another school shooting occurred in Texas. I am reminded of a similar time in Jesus’ life and believe it gives insight on how we can navigate through tragedy and in turn respond to those around us.

What is Our Trust Rooted In?: Dealing with Life's Trials as a Christian
While I agree that it’s important to know what’s going on in the world, I also know how much the volume of these things affects my thinking. When we’re constantly bombarded by trials, sadness, and evil, it's easy to allow these things to consume our thinking and warp our view of God.

Is Christianity an Intolerant Religion?
Why is there a question of Christianity being a religion of intolerance? Because the truth is that there is only one way to know and to have a relationship with God. We are called to reject any religion that is not about Jesus as the only way. We are not called to reject people but rather to serve even those who do not believe.

Why Does God Allow Bad Things to Happen?
One question many people have thought about or are currently considering is: “If God is good, then why would he allow bad things to happen?” This is a difficult question to answer, and I know that no one will be able to provide you the perfect answer. But together we can explore how God works amid these situations to bring about His purposes.

The Bread of Life in Afghanistan
During the past month of hearing about the atrocities in Afghanistan, I have daily prayed lines of scripture from Lamentations, a book of the Bible that is all about death, desolation, and devastation. But, in the middle of this Old Testament book, we are reminded of God’s love and His compassions, which never fail.

The Olympics and Misplaced Identity
The 2020 (in 2021) summer Olympics have officially started! For many of these athletes, they have their whole identity, value, purpose, and meaning of their life wrapped up in this one defining event. But, what does the Bible say about where our true identity is found?

How Cultural and Political Crises can Point us to Jesus
Leaders at the top of their field are easy targets for criticism, just ask President Trump or Biden. That is not to say that the criticism is invalid or unwarranted, but it is all too easy to blame the leaders for all that ails the country.

Youth Anxiety, Depression, and Suicide from Isolation: A Christian Response
Man cannot thrive in lonely isolation. Made in the image of God, man was created for community. Social distancing in our day has led to widening socials gaps and one of those glaring gaps has been among the youth. As believers, how are we to respond?

The Limitations of Virtual Church
“Church without the commute, in my pajamas, and on demand – yes please.” Is virtual church a positive or a negative to one’s spiritual life and to the life of the church? While there are some positives, I have come to believe that there are several important limitations to virtual church.

Who is Jesus Anyway?
I want to pose a simple question today. Who was and is Jesus Christ? It is a controversial question because most people have an opinion on who Jesus was. In fact, this was one of the questions he posed to his disciples. “Who do YOU say that I am?”

Empowered Manhood (Part 2)
Hiding in the dark, whether it was by myself or with someone else, gave me permission to do things I would never consider doing in the light which caused me to live my life out of the fear of being found out, handicapping my faith. But men living empowered by the light have three characteristics in their relationship with God.

Empowered Manhood (Part 1)
I lived most of my life lost in the dark until I was eventually forced into the light. It was through this painful process of being exposed to the light, and learning to walk in it, that I discovered God's grace, gained freedom from the dark, and was empowered by the light.

Delighting in God During the Coronavirus
Do you find yourself looking at the world around you and asking, “Is this how things are supposed to be?” God gives us two helpful responses in times like these in Psalm 37: Wait on Him and find your delight in Him.