Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

What Does it Mean to be a Humble Christian?
Webster’s definition of “humble”: “is having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s importance”. A humble man or woman is one who, through the Holy Spirit, realizes that they are a sinner, and no number of good deeds can erase our sins.

What is a Woman?: A Christian Perspective
“What is a Woman?” seems to be the current cultural question of the day since the release of the Daily Wire’s documentary. In this film, experts are interviewed to answer this single question, and repeatedly the “gender-affirming” doctors, therapists, and activists fail to define womanhood. Why?

Why Does God Allow Bad Things to Happen?
One question many people have thought about or are currently considering is: “If God is good, then why would he allow bad things to happen?” This is a difficult question to answer, and I know that no one will be able to provide you the perfect answer. But together we can explore how God works amid these situations to bring about His purposes.

What is Original Sin?
We have all felt it. A pull towards disobedience, a desire to live our lives "on our own terms." Though we may know God's plans for our lives, or at least the commands that He gives us, we find it impossible to follow through. Why can’t we escape these sinful impulses? To find the answer, we must start at the very beginning.

The Matrix is Upon Us! - Part III: Trust
If we can’t trust technology, big tech companies, or even ourselves, who can we trust!? The only trustworthy person is Jesus. He proved His unconditional love for us by dying on the cross for our sin and rising from the grave to conquer death on our behalf.