Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

5 Most Important Figures in Church History
To narrow this number to 5 seems a fool’s errand… because it is. That is probably why I was chosen for this blog post. I would liken it to climbing a tree with thousands of branches and attempting to arrive at the top utilizing only five of them.

Spiritual Formation of Children
When it concerns the spiritual formation of our children, the stakes are very high. As believers, it is not whether we are spiritually forming our children, but whether the spiritual formation they are receiving is true and biblical.

Eschatology: The Doctrine of Last Things Explained
In the case of end time prophecy, there are at least 183 recorded (and failed) predictions concerning the end of the world. So, what is the point of studying Eschatology? The answer is profoundly simple. It is presented in God’s Word and therefore a dutiful and worthwhile endeavor.

Anthropology: The Doctrine of Man Explained
Anthropologists have been studying and exploring the essence of mankind for as long as mankind has been around so there is obviously neither time nor room in this short treatment to cover such a broad topic comprehensively. So… what is man?

Angelology: The Doctrine of Angels Explained
If ten people on the street were surveyed to describe what an angel is, there is a good chance the answers would be wildly different. These answers may be from the Bible, early Jewish lore, literature, artwork from the Middle Ages, or even Hollywood. But what is the true doctrine of Angels?

What is Theology Proper and Why is it Important?
Theology Proper seeks to focus on what the Bible teaches about God the Father, His existence, Persons of the Trinity, and His character. If we get the nature and character of God the Father wrong, all our theology begins leaking and corrupts every other area of our theological inquiry.

What is the Difference Between General and Special Revelation?
General and Special Revelation may not seem like exciting theological topics but are exceedingly important to every single believer. Why? Because if Almighty God has revealed Himself; then He has communicated something about Himself.

Youth Anxiety, Depression, and Suicide from Isolation: A Christian Response
Man cannot thrive in lonely isolation. Made in the image of God, man was created for community. Social distancing in our day has led to widening socials gaps and one of those glaring gaps has been among the youth. As believers, how are we to respond?

Perspectives Podcast - The Death Penalty
In this episode, Brady Randall, George Palombo, and Russ Brasher have a conversation about the death penalty, some of the different perspectives our culture and Christians have, what the Bible has to say about the topic, and more!

What Should or Could We Be Doing During Lent?
Recent history has revealed that Evangelicals are not typically first in line to observe Lent, but there is biblical wisdom in setting aside times of special observance and dedication for our personal and corporate growth during the season of Lent leading up to Easter.

Perspectives Podcast - Perspectives on Santa Claus
In this episode, Brady Randall, George Palombo, & Emily Roberts have a conversation about some different perspectives on Santa Claus in our culture, what their experiences were with Santa as kids, how they addressed the issue in raising their own kids, and more!

Perspectives Podcast - Depression and Anxiety in Isolation
In this episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, George Palombo, and Kay Warheit have a conversation about anxiety and depression with everything going on in the world and the isolation people find themselves in, how this time has affected them personally, what the Bible has to say about these topics, and more!

Perspectives Podcast - Christians in Politics
In this episode, Senior Pastor, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Butler County Campus Pastor, Brady Randall, and Life Stage Pastor, George Palombo, have a discussion about politics with the coming election in November, what it looks like to engage in politics as a Christian, and how our Biblical worldview should inform how we vote.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 103 - Current Events and End Time Prophecy
This episode, Life Stage Pastor, Mike Hatch, sits down with Life Stage Pastor, George Palombo, and Middle School Ministry Leader, Jenette Cline, sit down to have a conversation about the end times, how current events are setting the stage biblical prophecy to be fulfilled, how we as Christians can remain unafraid in the midst of these events, and more!

Ask a Pastor Ep. 97 - Race: In Our Time (Explicit)
This episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund sits down with George Palombo and Gene Boyer to have a conversation about racial tensions in the United States, the death of George Floyd, the concept of racial bias, how we as individuals and a church community can move towards change, and more!

Ask a Pastor Ep. 94 - The Seven Churches of Revelation
This episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund sits down with Josiah Leuenberger and George Palombo to talk about the letters to the seven churches in Revelation 2-3, what each letter was about, where the American church fits in, and which church in Revelation Orchard Hill can relate to the most.

Relying on the One Who is Unchanging
Because of sin, we tend to look for permanence in things that are constantly changing instead of relying on the One who is incapable of changing and who will never allow His promises to fail.