Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Should Christian Students Attend a Christian College?
What’s next? This is the question every high school senior has to answer over the next several months. For many the prospect of college/university is probable, which lends itself to the question of whether a Christian student should attend a Christian college? The short answer, it depends.

5 Books Every High School Student Should Read
It's often thought that Gen Z doesn’t read as much as generations before. However, I would argue that this generation of high school students read more than they are often credited. So, I want to share five books that were either valuable to me in high school or ones I wished I would have read as a student.

Essential Christian Values for High School Students
Preparing a student for life after high school can sound like a daunting task. Regardless of your status as a parent or not, you can have an impact on a student’s life, and I feel there are three important values that a student should have before leaving high school.