Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Quiet Acts of Obedience (Part 2): Rewarded
In part one of this series, we looked at how the God who created us is omnipresent and omniscient. In part two of this series, we will further examine how God will reward those who are obedient to Him, giving us hope for both today and for the future.

Why Does God Test Us?
Why does God test us? We cannot give an answer to this particular question without each of us personally answering a few other questions first. So, let's explore this commonly asked question together by looking at some Biblical examples.

Why is My Soul Downcast? (Psalm 42 Devotional)
All of us go through times of sadness, sorrow, or even depression. Scripture makes it clear that we live in a fallen world, and that because of sin, we will experience pain in this life. But the purpose of suffering is not to make us let go of life; rather its purpose is to mature us.

Youth Anxiety, Depression, and Suicide from Isolation: A Christian Response
Man cannot thrive in lonely isolation. Made in the image of God, man was created for community. Social distancing in our day has led to widening socials gaps and one of those glaring gaps has been among the youth. As believers, how are we to respond?

Refined by Christ
“I asked God: Why the cutting? Why the shaping? Why the sanding edges smooth? Why the growing and the pruning, and the constant tweak and tune? Then He answered: There are kingdoms rising, falling full of skewed and blurring lines. I’m not built to fit inside yours; you are made to fit in mine.”

I love Thanksgiving. I love it for the traditions and for the opportunity it presents us to stop, enjoy time with people who mean so much to us, and reflect with gratitude on the good things in our lives.