Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Quiet Acts of Obedience (Part 1): Seen
As part of my moms’ study group, we decided to read a book over the summer called Risen Motherhood. While reading, a quote that stayed with me is “All our quiet acts of obedience will be seen, rewarded, and praised for the glory of God.”

What is Our Trust Rooted In?: Dealing with Life's Trials as a Christian
While I agree that it’s important to know what’s going on in the world, I also know how much the volume of these things affects my thinking. When we’re constantly bombarded by trials, sadness, and evil, it's easy to allow these things to consume our thinking and warp our view of God.

How Cultural and Political Crises can Point us to Jesus
Leaders at the top of their field are easy targets for criticism, just ask President Trump or Biden. That is not to say that the criticism is invalid or unwarranted, but it is all too easy to blame the leaders for all that ails the country.

Barriers to Joy
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! If you are a follower of Jesus that verse may be familiar to you. And if you are in a season where the last thing you feel like doing is rejoicing then that may make you feel guilty or irritated. How can I possibly rejoice in the Lord always if my circumstances are lousy?

Busting the Myth of "Life Balance"
Without a doubt, one of the most common challenges I hear has to do with finding “life-balance.” Many of us try again and again to achieve this elusive goal. Allow me to relieve your anxiety and boldly proclaim that life balance is a myth!

Why Does God Allow Suffering?
If God is so good, why is there so much suffering in the world? This is an age-old question that causes a stumbling block for many people coming to faith in Christ. If God is truly capable, why doesn’t He merely speak the word and do away with it once and for all?