Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Quiet Acts of Obedience (Part 2): Rewarded
In part one of this series, we looked at how the God who created us is omnipresent and omniscient. In part two of this series, we will further examine how God will reward those who are obedient to Him, giving us hope for both today and for the future.

“Spiritual, But Not Religious” Culture
There is a growing popularity of identifying with the phrase, “spiritual, but not religious” in our culture. The first challenge of this ideology is that it creates perceived common ground so long as the values of relative truth are upheld. So, how do we step into this conversation as a Christian?

Our News Isn’t News to God
There have been many times in the past months when I have heard negative news and, in my mind, have momentarily panicked, thinking today’s news is also news to God. During this Lenten season, my hope is that you find God is closer than you think!

Barriers to Joy
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! If you are a follower of Jesus that verse may be familiar to you. And if you are in a season where the last thing you feel like doing is rejoicing then that may make you feel guilty or irritated. How can I possibly rejoice in the Lord always if my circumstances are lousy?

Who is Jesus Anyway?
I want to pose a simple question today. Who was and is Jesus Christ? It is a controversial question because most people have an opinion on who Jesus was. In fact, this was one of the questions he posed to his disciples. “Who do YOU say that I am?”