Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Trail Pittsburgh to Trail Jesus
My husband and I were walking on a local trail when we came upon a steel plate etched with the words “Trail Pittsburgh”. Somehow that scuffed steel plate sparked deeper thoughts about the bridges we’d crossed since moving here - how God brought us and where we are now on His path.

Youth Anxiety, Depression, and Suicide from Isolation: A Christian Response
Man cannot thrive in lonely isolation. Made in the image of God, man was created for community. Social distancing in our day has led to widening socials gaps and one of those glaring gaps has been among the youth. As believers, how are we to respond?

Christian Single
The perspective many single adults encounter in the church is often more representative of the values of culture than the teachings of scripture and that can be a frustrating and even discouraging thing. So how do the teachings of the Bible come to bear on this conversation?