Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Why Does God Test Us?
Why does God test us? We cannot give an answer to this particular question without each of us personally answering a few other questions first. So, let's explore this commonly asked question together by looking at some Biblical examples.

Confession, Forgiveness, and Worship (Psalm 38 Devotional)
Guilt can be powerful in our lives. It is good in that it should lead us to recognize our sin, acknowledge it before God, confess it to Him, and receive forgiveness that was paid for on Calvary. But once we confess, God is faithful and just to forgive our sin and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.

A New Day, A New Hope
Over the past year, I meditated on Psalm 38:21-22 a lot! What I love about this scripture is that God always answers. You can talk to God at any time, any place, in any circumstance, and He will answer. He brings the gift of light, peace, and hope.