Young Adults

Build friendships and grow in faith.

Join in a vibrant community of young adults in their 20s and early 30s! Weekly Study Groups and monthly events offer young adults the opportunity to connect with peers to enjoy life together and support and encourage one another in their journey of faith.

Opportunities to Connect

Study and Interest Groups

Study Groups are a group of people intentionally coming together to grow deeper in their understanding of God through study and connection with other people.

Interest Groups are a group of people coming together around a shared interest or passion with opportunity to connect with God and others.

Young Adult Connect

You are invited to come check out Young Adult Connect every Monday night from 7:30 - 9:00 pm at Wexford Campus during the Fall and Spring Group season. This is a great way to connect with the young adult community through worship, group time, and fun activities.

To learn more about this, fill out a Join a Group form & simply select Young Adults.
