Finding Hope and Purpose Beyond Political Outcomes

The 2024 election is finally over. The ads and flyers will cease. The constant campaigning is finished—for now.  So now what?

Emotions and reactions are varied. For many Americans, there is a sense of relief that the incessant political posturing will lessen. A portion of the United States is thrilled for the election results and direction of the country while others on the opposite side are feeling distraught. A divided country is left to pick up the pieces.

How will you and I react to people who voted and feel differently than we do?

Will you disparage and make them feel guilty?

Will you gloat if your side won?

Will you continue to engage in dialogue with respect and dignity?

The reality is this—the United States has a new president. But this president, like all before and all after him, will one day go to the grave—here today and gone tomorrow. There is yet a King, Jesus Christ, who is still alive and reigning today. The government will be on His shoulders and of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on the throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever! (Isa. 9:6-7) What is and will be your life posture to this King?

My prayer for our nation is that whatever our political allegiance is—we would give our ultimate allegiance to the reigning, coming King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I echo Jessica Smith Culver and Douglas McKelvey who share a poignant prayer for this time: “If we are pleased with the results of the election, let us yet in humility remember that every earthly authority must one day give way to your eternal rule—so let us in grace love all our neighbors well. Or if we are disappointed, let us resist all fear, anger, accusation, and bitterness, but instead renew our trust in you—and let us in grace love all our neighbors well. Whatever the outcomes of this election, let our citizenship and our hope be rooted first in your heavenly kingdom, that we might live in exile here as winsome ambassadors of our soon-returning King—always in grace loving all our neighbors well.”

Political power is temporary, but if you submit your life to and overcome with Jesus, He will grant you the right to sit with him on His Father’s throne! (Rev. 3:21)

Leaders and political seasons come and go. Thus, I encourage you, for the rest of your life, to put your hope in Jesus Christ and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil, or fade. (1 Pet. 1:4) He is the only King who keeps all His promises.

Brady Randall

Brady joined the staff team in 2014 as the Adult Ministries/New Campus Pastor. For the previous 3 and a half years, he served as a Presbyterian pastor in New Castle, PA.

Prior to pastoral ministry, Brady worked part-time with InterVarsity campus ministry at the University of Pittsburgh. He received his undergraduate degree from Grove City College and his Master of Divinity from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.

Brady lives with his son, Nash, in Butler.


Who is Jesus #1- Jesus is the Image of God


Bridging the Divide: God’s Desire Amidst Political Tension