Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Finding Hope and Purpose Beyond Political Outcomes
In the aftermath election, Americans are left grappling with a range of emotions and a fractured political landscape. The Bible encourages us to look beyond temporary political outcomes and find lasting hope and purpose in the eternal reign of Jesus Christ and through treating our neighbors with grace and dignity, regardless of political differences.

Anthropology: The Doctrine of Man Explained
Anthropologists have been studying and exploring the essence of mankind for as long as mankind has been around so there is obviously neither time nor room in this short treatment to cover such a broad topic comprehensively. So… what is man?

How God Teaches Us to be More Christ-like (Psalm 32 Devotional)
There is one trait that is perhaps the most important for a teacher. That they care about the student so much that they’ll do just about anything to get them to understand the material. The same is true of God.

Power in Light of Eternity (Psalm 21 Devotional)
Since the dawn of civilization, societies have admired those who have strength and power. But considering eternity, how important is this? What does it really mean to win the Super Bowl, or get to the top of the ladder in business? The perspective of time often helps.

The Value of Our True Identity
I have two quarters that I keep in my pocket to remind me of a significant truth about our identity in Christ as Christians. The face value of these quarters is the same, but their essence is completely different. They differ dramatically in true value.