Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

3 Reasons Students Need Christian Community
There is no doubt that being in middle school and high school nowadays is more demanding than it has ever been, but the staggering truth is that within these demands and expectations, being a middle or high schooler today is also lonelier than it has ever been.

Should Christian Students Attend a Christian College?
What’s next? This is the question every high school senior has to answer over the next several months. For many the prospect of college/university is probable, which lends itself to the question of whether a Christian student should attend a Christian college? The short answer, it depends.

Church Words 101 - Propitiation
I was fifteen years old when I first heard the word, “Propitiation.” You can imagine my face as the man who was discipling me broke it down syllable by syllable. Today we will be taking a dive into this word, discovering what it means, why it matters, and how we can take the concept to heart.

Genres of Biblical Literature and How to Study Them
Understanding an overview of each type of literature in the Scriptures is essential for understanding what the human author, and ultimately the Divine Author meant and means for us today.

The Limitations of Virtual Church
“Church without the commute, in my pajamas, and on demand – yes please.” Is virtual church a positive or a negative to one’s spiritual life and to the life of the church? While there are some positives, I have come to believe that there are several important limitations to virtual church.